Upcoming Auditions
Red Riding Hood
January 13th @ 3pm
January 14th @ 7pm
January 16th @ 7pm
447 Race Street, Cambridge, MD 21613
Red Riding Hood is a modern retelling of a classic story suitable for audiences of all ages. Stephen and Bridget are siblings who are too scared of the dark to leave Grandma’s spare bedroom during a sleepover, so they entertain themselves by revisiting a familiar story, acting out their own take on the classic tale using their overactive imaginations.
Available roles
Bridget |
Young girl, older sibling of Stephen. Brave. Mischievous. Bit of a bully, but cares very deeply about her brother. Easily annoyed. |
Stephen |
Young boy, younger sibling of Bridget. A seemingly endless amount of energy. Enormous imagination. Very needy. Bit of a cry baby. Scared of the dark. |
Preparation & Actors Notes
Actors should be youthful, energetic, and able to play at a young age. Some singing required.
MEN: Prepare 16 bars of rock, country, or ballad style song.
WOMEN: Prepare 16 bars of an up-tempo, ballad style song. Preferably something in the vein of a Disney princess.
IMPROV: Following the musical audition, there will be a period of group improv managed by the director. Following the music portion of the audition please prepare an additional 45 minutes for group improv exercises.
ATTIRE: Please dress comfortably and prepare to move.
CONTACT: [email protected]
Director: E.T. Wilford
Music Directors: Laura Todd & Ray Remesch
The Groove Theatre Company
321 High Street
Cambridge, MD 21613

© 2018 The Groove Theatre, Inc.
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For the latest, follow us on Social Media!
The Groove Theatre Company
321 High Street
Cambridge, MD 21613

© 2018 The Groove Theatre, Inc.